Category Archives: Education

2iE, AUA and the World Bank Audit
As one of the invited experts, I had the pleasure of leading the audit of 2iE’s revitalized online professional training infrastructure. My role involved assessing the functionality of the new Moodle platform and the recording studio. I collaborated with the project teams, analyzed documentation, and offered key recommendations for the Center’s next steps to enhance…

Eureka-academy Maths
Functions and Algebra – FA 9th, 10th, 11th Grade (Cycle d’Orientation) Course Overview I designed and developed this course specifically for students in the “Cycle d’Orientation” in Switzerland. The aim was to help students build essential mathematical skills, laying a solid foundation for their academic progress and future career choices. This course covers key mathematical…

Online Labs, EPFL
Project Launch and Management Candidate Management Contribution to Excellence in Africa Initiative More info Source: OnlineLabs, EPFL

Capacity Building
Capacity Building in Digital Development for ACE Impact Centres Project Management Training and Facilitation Content Creation LMS Management More information Source : EPFL