Monthly Archives: February 2021

Videos project, Lausanne public transport
The idea was to provide digital learning aids for the city of Lausanne’s network to the various bus drivers. In this context, three tools have been made available, the first based on Articulate to allow drivers to test their knowledge. The second one is a Google Maps with all the line traces and finally educational…

The mandate was to provide digital learning aids for the city of Lausanne’s network to the various bus drivers. In this context, three tools have been made available, the first based on Articulate to allow drivers to test their knowledge. The second one is Google Maps with all the line traces and finally educational videos…

Story Telling
Dans le cadre du TCS, nous avons créé une petite histoire drôle et interactive qui permet de projeter le collaborateur dans des contextes possible au sein des Travel Services.

Share Up
creation of a webpage for an organisation

Search Engine
A search Engine that was create for TCS, the idea was to find quickly the full name of the collaborators based on their acronym that the system gives us.

Café Tribu
This page was create for a startup that sell coffee. We use wordpress and create the code from scratch with bootstrap. Visit CafeTribu </p>